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Brazilian meat company JBS earned US$332.3 million until March
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - 12:00
Carne. Foto: Reuters.

JBS CEO Gilberto Tomazoni has noted that the "solid" first quarter results reinforce the idea that the company is on the path to recovery.

The Brazilian meat company JBS has achieved a net profit of US$332.3 million in the first quarter of the year compared to losses worth US$279.6 million in the same period of the previous year.

The company's sales have increased by 7.9% year-on-year, reaching US$17,998 million. For their part, costs have grown by 2.8%, to US$ 15,640 million.

By market, Seara's turnover increased by 4.8%. Meanwhile, there was a 22.4% growth in its business in Brazil, and 6% in North America. In the United States, turnover increased by 3.7% year-on-year, and in Australia by up to 5.7%.

For its part, the gross operating result (Ebitda) has experienced an increase of 232%, which represents more than tripling the figure reached in the first three months of the previous year, reaching US$ 1,267 million.

The company's net debt stood at US$3,083 million, which is 3.7% more than at the end of 2023 but 3.3% less than in the first quarter of the previous year.

The CEO of JBS, Gilberto Tomazoni, has indicated that the "solid" results of the first quarter reinforce the idea that the company is on the path to recovery, as has been indicated in previous periods.

"We are confident that the strength of our platform, combined with our financial performance and our commitment to excellence and innovation, will allow JBS to continue its growth trajectory, generating value for our stakeholders and the communities in which we operate" , has held.



Europa Press