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French Total Energies will evaluate the potential of oil basins in northwest Peru
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 15:45
Fuente: Agencia Andina

The French energy company signed agreements with the state-owned Petroperú that include non-intrusive studies.

The French Total Energies E&P, one of the five largest oil and gas producers worldwide, will carry out initial studies to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the Talara and Tumbes basins, northwest of Peru, Perupetro reported.

The state entity and the company signed three Technical Evaluation Agreements (CET), which will allow the development of comprehensive office geological-geophysical studies, to increase the level of knowledge about the oil or gas potential that could exist in said sedimentary basins.

The Technical Evaluation Agreements are valid for 24 months and allow companies to carry out non-intrusive studies and activities such as satellite studies, geological-geophysical re-evaluation of the information existing in the Perúpetro Data Bank, among others.

It should be noted that, depending on the results obtained, companies, after having fulfilled their commitments, can exercise the right of First Option for eventual negotiation and signing of a License Agreement or, finally, not continue in the area. .

Perúpetro, as part of its investment promotion role, carries out intensive promotion of areas with potential that have not been evaluated in depth and that today, thanks to technological advances, can be the subject of greater non-invasive desk studies.

Through the development of studies, greater knowledge of the sedimentary basins of the Andean country can be obtained. It should be noted that, of the 18 oil basins that Peru has, only five of them have been explored and produced.

The Andean country competes with various nations worldwide in attracting investments to promote the development of the hydrocarbon sector, which is fundamental and strategic to guarantee access to safe, efficient and low-cost energy, for the benefit of millions of Peruvians. .



Agencia Andina