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Milei's government formalizes the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 09:00
Ahora, según se ha publicado en el Boletín Oficial, el Ejecutivo ha declarado "sujeta a privatización" a Aerolíneas Argentinas, considerando "imperioso" proceder a esta venta de la compañía al sector privado. Europa Press

According to the Official Gazette, the Executive has declared the airline "subject to privatisation" and considers it "imperative" to proceed with the sale of the company to the private sector.

The Argentine government has officially announced the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas on Wednesday, as previously announced following the latest protests by workers' unions.

"In light of the persistent strikes called by the aviation unions, which affect nearly 40,000 passengers, the government has begun talks with several private Latin American companies to take over Aerolíneas Argentinas in case extortion continues with this type of measures," said government spokesman Manuel Adorni at the end of September.

Now, as published in the Official Gazette, the Executive has declared Aerolíneas Argentinas "subject to privatization", considering it "imperative" to proceed with this sale of the company to the private sector.

Among their arguments is that the current context of poverty affects 52.9% of the population, so the State must allocate limited fiscal resources to meet the needs of those who have the least. In addition, the National Treasury "is not in a position to maintain a highly deficit-ridden company through the contribution of hundreds of millions of pesos that come from the efforts of the inhabitants of the Argentine Republic."

"Despite the efforts made by the national State and the reduction in contributions from the Treasury, the company's financial statements maintain a serious deficit that makes it impossible for it to operate under free market conditions," the Government explained.

Therefore, in order to rationalize resources and to resolve the current economic crisis that the country is going through, it is necessary to transfer to the private sector those entities whose actions at the state level are no longer supported, such as Aerolíneas Argentinas.



Europa Press