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China welcomes Brazil's next entry into the One Belt One Road initiative
Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 18:00
crédito foto Agencia Xinhua

"China and Brazil are important developing countries and important emerging economies, as well as comprehensive strategic partners of each other," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning.

China and Brazil are integral strategic partners of each other and the Asian country welcomes the South American nation to join the Belt and Road family as soon as possible, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

During an interview, Brazilian President Lula da Silva recently stated that his country hopes to have a new strategic partnership with China that involves cooperation in science, technology and the production of chips and software, to make Brazil-China ties "infinitely greater." "and more prosperous.

Lula pointed out that China is an essential partner for the economic growth and scientific and technological development of his country, a partner that Brazil will always take into account, and that Brazil hopes to work with the Asian country in the fight against hunger.

Likewise, the Brazilian president indicated that China wants to address the issue of the Belt and Road and his country is willing to hold that debate. "I want to know..." said Lula, "where we enter and in what position we are going to play... We want to be starters."

In response to a related question, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said in a daily press conference that the reports on this issue have been taken into account.

"China and Brazil are important developing countries and important emerging economies, as well as comprehensive strategic partners of each other," the official said.

"China attaches great importance to its relationship with Brazil and these ties have always been a priority in Chinese diplomacy," Mao added.

China is willing to take advantage of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between both countries as an opportunity to work for greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Brazil's development strategies, such as the New Brazil Industry, and for a high-level and high-quality practical cooperation in all fields between the two nations, so as to better benefit both peoples and contribute more to the development and prosperity of the world, Mao detailed.

"Brazil is the country of football. China welcomes Brazil to join the Belt and Road family as soon as possible and looks forward to Brazil's spectacular goals in Belt and Road cooperation," he noted. the spokesperson


It was on Monday the 22nd when the Brazilian president came out to defend his country's greater ties with China.

According to Lula, "what we really want is to have a strategic partnership that makes the Brazil-China relationship infinitely greater, closer and that can generate jobs in China and jobs in Brazil."

He highlighted China's growth in the last 40 years and that Brazil has a lot to learn from the Asian country's development experience.

"China is a great partner for Brazil. China's growth is undeniable. Nobody can fail to recognize what China has done in the last 30 and 40 years," he stressed.

He said that Brazil needs to take advantage of China's growth, with which it will always maintain a privileged relationship, taking into account that "China is an essential partner in the fight for Brazil's economic growth, for Brazil's scientific and technological development."

He recalled that, last year, in the first year of his third term, it was possible to lift 24 million people out of hunger in Brazil by "putting people in the budget."

"The big contribution is for each country to end hunger in its own country, and then, what's left, the world comes together in solidarity. That's what I hope we can do with China, so we can have another 50 or 100 years of highly productive relationships," he emphasized.

He also highlighted that he will participate as a guest for the first time in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), which will be held in November in Lima, Peru, and that he will discuss with China the possibility of Brazil joining the Belt Initiative. and the Route.

"I want to know where we are going to play, in what position we are going to play, because we do not want to be in the reserve, we want to be starters. So a country like Brazil does not have to be afraid of these things," he stated.

He said that he remembered when China had a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) lower than that of Brazil, and that he always tells his ministers that it is necessary to know all the experiences of a great country, because it is not a single country that knows everything.

"I remember when China had a lower GDP than Brazil, when China produced less steel than Brazil. Today China produces one billion tons and Brazil continues to produce 35 million, with the potential to reach 51 million tons. So there is no alternative. No "There is another alternative for a country the size of Brazil than plurality in its relations with the entire world," he said.


Agencia Xinhua