The Argentine government has decided "not to compromise its zero-deficit economic policy," as stated in the document, in line with the president's thesis.
Argentine President Javier Milei signed a decree on Monday endorsing the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and exempting him from sending a bill on the issue for debate in Congress.
The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) is awaiting approval by the international organization, according to Página 12. The text, which has been echoed by this Argentine newspaper, indicates that the IMF disbursements will be destined to the payment of "non-transferable dollar bills held by the Central Bank" and "public credit operations carried out in (...) 2022 whose maturity occurs within four years of the signing of the agreement."
The Argentine government has decided "not to compromise its economic policy of zero deficit," as stated in the document, in line with the president's thesis. Therefore, the funds, the amount of which is unknown, "should be used exclusively to pay off debts of the National Treasury, with the Central Bank and debts with the IMF."
The Executive has justified the signing of the decree, which frees it from sending a bill to Congress, stating that "(its) competence (... ) is not to approve the terms and conditions of an agreement signed with the IMF, but to approve the public credit operation through the sanction of a law."
He also argued that it is a "manifest need" to end the IMF loans and the debt with the Central Bank and assured that there are "exceptional circumstances" due to "the seriousness of the situation" and the need to resolve the issue "immediately."
In response, a group of deputies from the main opposition parliamentary group in Argentina, Unión por la Patria (UxP), has filed a complaint against the president, as well as the "co-authors or participants who have" intervened in the preparation and signing of the DNU, which they said, "has as its object an act of indebtedness with a financial institution (IMF), in clear violation of the provisions of Article 75 and 76 of the National Constitution."
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