Recently the US Census Bureau reported that the poverty rate in that country went from 14.3% in 2009 to 15.1% in 2010, which amounts to a total of 46.2 million poor people. The highest number that has been recorded in 52 years.
A review of census data by reveals that these are the poorest states in the world's largest economy.
1. Mississippi . For years it has been in the background, and almost all sectors, education, employment, health and insurance, are associated with need. It has the highest poverty percentage in the US (21.3%), and the average annual income is the lowest $36,850 (equivalent to Bs.F. 158,415). In addition, unemployment is at 10.4%, and the population without medical coverage is 18.7%.
2. Arkansas . The figures for this state place it among the ten worst and poorest, despite the fact that its unemployment percentage is 8.2%. The census office indicates that 16.5% of its inhabitants are poor, while 18.5% do not have health insurance. The state's average income is the second lowest in the country, $38,600 (equivalent to Bs.F. 165,980).
3. Tennessee . It has the third lowest annual average in the US $40,026 (equal to Bs.F. 172,111.80), 14.7% do not have health insurance, while poverty reaches 16.1% of the population, and unemployment 9.8%.
4. West Virginia . 15.7% of West Virginia is poor, 13.9% do not have health insurance, however that number has decreased due to the implementation of free health care. On the other hand, it has an unemployment rate of 8.1%. The average annual income is $40,824 (equivalent to Bs.F. 175,543.20).
5.Louisiana . It is the fourth poorest, one in five people lives in poverty, which is equal to 18% of the population, and in fact that same percentage does not have health insurance either. The average annual income is $41,896 (equivalent to Bs.F. 180,152.80). After Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill, tourism and job opportunities have dropped significantly, unemployment stands at 7.6%.