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New port terminal on the central coast of Peru would boost investments greater than US$ 15,000 million
Monday, March 18, 2024 - 15:45
Fuente: Agencia Andina

The initiative in the Peruvian department of Ica would reactivate nine mining projects, in addition to the Andahuaylas – Marcona railway, petrochemicals and industries.

The Private Investment Promotion Agency of Peru (ProInversión) indicated that the development of the "New Port Terminal of San Juan de Marcona" project would reactivate investments for more than US$ 15,000 million in the south of the Andean country and will impact economic growth , job creation, improvement of income and quality of life of the population in the area of influence.

This multipurpose port project, declared of interest by the Peruvian State, requires an approximate investment of US$ 405 million and will benefit 29 provinces and 280 districts in the regions of Ica, Ayacucho, Apurímac, Cusco and Arequipa.

Its implementation will reactivate at least nine iron, copper, zinc and molybdenum mining projects in the southern zone, such as Pampa del Pongo (US$ 2,000 million), Hierro Apurímac, Mina Justa, Insumos, Tailings Exploitation, Los Chancas , Antilla, Trapiche and Constancia.

Likewise, this public port will allow the development of new industrial, commercial and service projects in the area of influence linked to import and export activities.

It could also promote the development, at the expense of the State, of the Andahuaylas – Marcona Railway of approximately US$ 5,000 million, with the aim of energizing the southern mining corridor; The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC) has been completing the studies of this project.

Additionally, the New Terminal could reactivate the development of the petrochemical industry in the south of the country, with an investment of more than US$ 2,000 million.

In that sense, this great project - which will be the third largest port in the Andean country, surpassed by El Callao and Chancay - is aimed at being the great driver of the economic growth and development of Marcona and the south of the country.

In terms of tons of cargo, the Port of Marcona has contemplated an average annual demand of 19 million tons and potential of more than 40 million tons; while the ports of Callao (Muelle Norte and Muelle Sur) moved 35.7 million tons of cargo and Chancay foresees 34 million tons of cargo, respectively.


The construction and operation of the modern terminal will generate, at the end of the concession, an increase in the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of up to 38,000 million soles (US$ 10,186 million) in the area of influence (Ica, Ayacucho, Apurímac and Arequipa).

It will also allow the economically active population to increase by approximately 80,000 people in the area of influence (Ica, Ayacucho, Apurímac and Arequipa) and generate greater income and better quality of life for families; In Marcona alone it would create 1,500 jobs in the first five years of the port concession.


Thanks to the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model designed by ProInversión, a Social Fund will be established that will receive 3% of the concessionaire's annual gross income (from the beginning of its port operations and until the expiration of the concession contract).

According to conservative estimates, the total contribution of the project to the Social Fund would exceed 290 million soles (US$ 77 million) in the 25 years of operation of the terminal, which means more than 11.6 million per year (US$ 3.1 million), to execute humanitarian assistance projects, as well as infrastructure projects, basic services and the generation of productive employment, among others.

In this way, the New San Juan de Marcona Port Terminal project, prioritized by the State, will put Marcona in the spotlight of the world, bringing progress and greater well-being for its population.



Agencia Andina