The local Ministry of Energy and Mines reported that generation with solar, wind, bagasse and biogas energy was 386 GWh.
Peru's electricity generation with non-conventional renewable energy resources (RER) (solar, wind, bagasse and biogas), in January 2024, accumulated a production of 386 gigawatt hours (GWh), that is, 44% more than what was recorded in a similar time. period of 2023, reported the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem).
Through the report called “Main indicators of the electricity sector at the national level”, prepared by the General Directorate of Electricity (DGE), it is noted that energy generated with renewable resources represents 7.1% of national production during the period analyzed. , which constitutes a significant increase, since in January 2023 it represented 5.2%.
The statistical document indicates that the total production of electrical energy registered at the national level in the first month of the current year, including the Isolated Systems and the National Interconnected Electric System (SEIN) of Peru, amounted to 5,407 GWh, which meant an increase 3.8% compared to the same month in 2023.
The report indicates that, of the total registered, 5,236 GWh (97%) was generated for the electricity market and 171 GWh (3%) was the amount of self-generated energy for own use in the activities of industrial, mining, oil companies, among others. others.
The DGE of Minem pointed out that the increase in electricity production at the national level, compared to what was produced at the beginning of 2023, is based, among other aspects, on the economic activity of large industries that operate in the various regions of the country.
In relation to the sources of electricity generation, the report indicates that hydroelectric plants accumulated 3,388 GWh in the period analyzed, that is, 17% more than what was generated in January 2023.
And on the thermal units side, which only use natural gas as a resource, these registered 1,565 GWh, that is, 20% less than what was produced in the same period last year.
He pointed out that the increase in electricity production at the national level, compared to what was produced at the beginning of 2023, is based, among other aspects, on the economic activity of the large industries that operate in the various regions of Peru.
In relation to the sources of electricity generation, the report indicates that hydroelectric plants accumulated 3,388 GWh in the period analyzed, that is, 17% more than what was generated in January 2023.
And on the thermal units side, which only use natural gas as a resource, these registered 1,565 GWh, that is, 20% less than what was produced in the same period last year.