With 70 votes in favor, 36 against and 17 abstentions, the legislators of the Andean country approved granting the investiture to the Cabinet, after a broad debate that lasted more than four hours.
Tonight, the plenary session of the Congress of the Republic granted the vote of confidence to the Ministerial Cabinet chaired by Gustavo Adrianzén, who appeared before the national representation to present the general policy of the government and the main guidelines of its management.
With 70 votes in favor, 36 against and 17 abstentions, the national representation approved granting the investiture to the Adrianzén Cabinet, after a broad debate that lasted more than four hours.
During his presentation, Premier Adrianzén called for the unity of all Peruvians, the powers of the State and the political forces to move the country forward. “It is time to provide a faster and more effective response to these challenges. From this honorable platform I call for the unity of all Peruvians, the powers, the institutions and the political forces to assume this great task, together," he said.
He specified that as Chief of Staff he is clear that the challenges at this moment are the fight against organized crime and the recovery of the principle of authority against crime, keys to recovering levels of trust and promoting economic growth and investments.
According to article 130 of the Constitution, within 30 days of assuming his duties, the president of the Council of Ministers attends Congress, in the company of the other ministers, to present and debate the general policy of the government and the main measures. that requires its management. This raises a question of trust.
The agreement adopted in full will be immediately communicated to the President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, in accordance with the provisions of the last paragraph of article 82 of the Congress regulations.