Collection for regions from mining exceeded US$613,978. Minister of Energy and Mines reiterates that they will make projects viable.
The Minister of Energy and Mines of Peru, Rómulo Mucho, indicated today Thursday that copper production increased 14% during the last two months.
“In the last two months, copper production grew 14% and the revenue for the regions, generated by mining, exceeded US$613,978,” he stated in the Regional Communication Network (RCR).
“In addition, we have given Ministerial Resolution No. 125-2024-Minem, with which we authorize mining companies to produce 10% more, without much capital investment movement, but rather by improving processes and capabilities. That's why I launched the challenge that by the end of the year we had to exceed 3 million tons of copper and we are on the path to achieving it," he added.
Rómulo Mucho reiterated that they are working to make mining projects viable such as Tantahuatay Replacement (gold) in Cajamarca, Huancapetí Expansion (zinc) and Antamina Replacement (copper) in Ancash, Romina (zinc) and Raura Replacement (silver) in Lima Provinces, Chalcobamba Phase I (copper) in Apurímac and Corani (zinc) in Puno.
“There are also Coroccohuayco from the Antapaccay mining company (Cusco) and Yanacocha Sulfuros (Cajamarca) from Newmont, whose CEO arrives in Peru in May to make some announcements. There are other smaller investments such as Yumpag (Pasco) and San Gabriel (Moquegua),” he stated.
“Our goal is to far exceed last year's investment amount of US$4.7 billion, that is, more than US$5 billion,” he added.
Artisanal mining
The minister emphasized that for the formalization of small and artisanal mining, multisectoral work is required, and that the respective legal regulations will be issued from the Ministry of Energy and Mines.
“We already have a draft of the new law. We have presented the plan that the Ministry of Energy and Mines has to the organizations and experts who know the subject, which is why we have to find the middle point,” he explained.
Regarding what happened at the Poderosa mining company, province of Pataz, in La Libertad, where a group of criminals knocked down two high voltage towers and caused the death of two workers, Rómulo Mucho maintained that it is a unique case because there are criminal gangs that steal minerals.
“In that area there is gold, whose price rose to US$2,300 per ounce and will soon reach US$3,000,” he indicated.