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Colombia rules out electricity rationing and announces regulatory measures
Thursday, April 18, 2024 - 11:15
Energía eléctrica. Foto: Europa Press.

According to the head of the portfolio, the Government has the goal of achieving a 4% decrease in energy consumption through efficient use.

During a press conference held today Thursday, Andrés Camacho, Minister of Mines and Energy, ruled out rationing in Colombia, but announced 15 measures to face the energy crisis generated by the El Niño phenomenon.

"Although we do not have an imminent risk of rationing, the increase in these conditions forces us to take structural reinforcement measures so that we do not reach any critical condition and we manage to overcome this period of the El Niño phenomenon without difficulties," said the minister. .

It is worth mentioning that is approaching the critical point of 27%.

The entity, for example, will create a package of regulatory adaptations that allow new energy generation in the country and efficient use of energy.

According to the head of the portfolio, the Government has the goal of achieving a 4% decrease in energy consumption through efficient use. In addition, a schedule of visits will be made to all system agents on a weekly basis, through the electrical energy department.

A regulation will also be issued to improve the cash flow of the marketers, guarantee that they have the necessary resources to operate and “that we do not have any economic difficulty with the marketers, distributors of the energy system and the value chain.”

The omission of the Regulation of Energy, Gas and Fuels (CREG), according to Camacho, is currently studying how to adopt additional regulatory measures that allow improving energy efficiency, that is, “it is not only about putting more energy into the system, but to make savings and efficient use of energy.”

Camacho also announced the entry of additional renewable generation through surpluses from large consumers and the increase in system capacity by at least 100 megawatts with those generation plants that can deliver surpluses.

“Through the CREG, the early entry of renewable energy projects into the system is facilitated, so that all plants that are in the testing phase and can deliver energy to the system can do so,” mentioned the head of the portfolio. .

These are the 15 measures:

1. Together with Superservicios we will carry out the inspection, monitoring, and permanent surveillance of all agents of the National Energy System.

2. We will publish a schedule of visits to all system agents on a weekly basis through our Electric Energy Directorate and Superservicios.

3. We will communicate all these actions to the companies to expand information on the state of operation and efficient articulation of the system.

4. We will present a package of regulatory adaptations that allow for new generation of energy in the country and efficient use of energy.

5. We issued decree 0484 aimed at facilitating the availability of natural gas for the demand for electrical energy in the country at this time of low hydrology.

6. We issued Resolution 40132 of April 15, which allows us to make the maximum generation of renewable energy available to the system.

7. We issue regulations to improve the cash flow of marketers and ensure demand is met.

8. We encourage self-generation and existing generation to increase energy production.

9. Together with the CREG, additional regulatory measures are being studied to improve energy efficiency.

10. Together with the company Termocentro we work on the entry of about 272 additional MW to the national electrical system.

11. With the income of renewable generation and surpluses from large consumers, we will increase the capacity of the system by at least 100 MW.

12. Together with the CREG, the early entry of renewable energy projects into the system is facilitated.

13. Achieve reductions in consumption of 4% through the efficient use of Energy.

14. Encourage the efficient use of demand and promote the disconnection of the industrial system.

15. Encourage citizens to take care of their Energy by reducing their consumption. Our purpose is to mitigate all these risks associated with the climate emergency.

Susana Muhamad, Minister of Environment, said that rains are expected this weekend, from this Thursday to Monday. However, the last two weeks of April will not be above normal, they would even be below the record of the last 30 years.



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