This lower agricultural production is due, among other factors, to the effect that last month's floods have had in Rio Grande do Sul.
Brazil's agricultural production will reach 296.8 million tons, 5.9% less than the entire harvest obtained in 2023, which would have closed with a record figure of 315.4 million tons, according to the estimates from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
This latest calculation represents a downward revision in relation to last April of 0.9%, with a drop of 2.8 million tons, since then an agricultural harvest was forecast to reach 299.6 million tons.
The reduction in production reflects the impact of the climate problems that occurred in 2023 and 2024, from the implementation of crops, with the lack of rain in the Central Western region, to the high temperatures that shortened the cycle of some crops and reduced productivity. .
Likewise, this lower agricultural production is due, among other factors, to the effect that last month's floods have had in Rio Grande do Sul, a Brazilian state that stands out, for example, for accounting for more than 69.3% of national production. of rice.
Rice, corn and soybeans, the three main products, together represent 91.5% of the estimated production and concentrate 87.2% of the area to be harvested. The May estimate for soybeans was 146.7 million tons. As for corn, the forecast stands at 114.5 million tons. Rice production was estimated at 10.5 million tons.
Wheat production is expected to reach 9.6 million tons, representing a growth of 23.8% compared to 2023, when Brazil, despite initially expecting a record cereal harvest, saw its expectations frustrated by a series of climatic problems, which damaged crops.