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Colombia: SIC rejects commitment to design a plan to deal with the eventual bankruptcy of WOM
Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 11:30
Fuente: WOM

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia reported that it does not have a plan prepared to prevent users from suffering possible effects on the provision of the service.

WOM, the fourth largest telecommunications company in Colombia, completes more than two months in business reorganization.

That is, it reached a point where it could not financially respond to its debts and had to request the benefit of what is known in some countries as “bankruptcy law.”

With this you can sit down with your creditors with the intention of reaching new agreements that will allow you to keep the company afloat.

However, time is running out for WOM and news of bankruptcy remains a possibility.

Faced with this scenario, and given what was stated in some media, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), stated that it is false that they have a plan B in the event of the eventual bankruptcy of WOM, basically because that responsibility does not fall within its responsibility. .

“Within the framework of the protection regime for users of communications services, it is the obligation of operators to guarantee, among others, the continuous and uninterrupted provision of the services contracted by their users, as well as to provide them with adequate, clear, truthful, sufficient, understandable and verifiable information about the services so that they can make informed decisions.

To date, the Superintendency has not received information regarding a possible suspension or termination of the provision of services to WOM users, nor a migration plan in order to safeguard the aforementioned rights.

Likewise, it specifies that, within the framework of the protection of user rights, this Superintendency is not responsible for designing or implementing migration plans from one operator to another,” it reports.

It must be remembered that the so-called user migration is the mechanism that must be implemented in Colombia upon the termination of the services provided by a telecommunications company.

This is a strategy that has already been advanced in the coffee-growing country and part of the protocol, as specified by the SIC, is the prior notice to users that on a certain day and time their service will be provided by one or more other operators.

This, in turn, could be mediated by the Communications Regulatory Commission (CRC).

It should be noted that, at the moment, WOM is not bankrupt. On the contrary, it continues to struggle to stay afloat in Colombia and continue providing service to its nearly 6 million users.

The interest in not only remaining in the country, but also being one of the main competitors is evident.

Proof of this was the million-dollar investment it has made in the deployment of its infrastructure, as well as obtaining the spectrum to market 5G in the tender carried out by the Ministry of ICT.

In conversation with El Espectador , the Superintendent of Companies, Billy Escobar (who has been aware of the WOM reorganization process), stated that the company would need a capital injection of close to $400,000 million (US$ 95 million).

Similarly, the ICT Minister, Mauricio Lizcano, explained that in the two meetings he has had with the company's main shareholder, he said that he is managing the resources to capitalize the company.

It is expected that in the coming days it will be known what the future of WOM will be in Colombia.



El Espectador