"Brazil and France have a historic partnership, a relationship of collaboration from an economic and political point of view, which means a lot to us and which we will not give up," said the Minister of Development and Industry of the South American giant.
The Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services of Brazil, Márcio Elias Rosa, has met with the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and Immigration of France, Sophie Primas, to discuss issues of interest between the two countries.
France has expressed interest in business opportunities with Brazil in four areas: French investments in renewable energy in the Northeast, collaboration with a Brazilian artificial intelligence laboratory, acquisition of helicopters for Brazilian civil and air defense, and collaboration in the health industrial complex with the production of vaccines.
"Brazil and France have a historic partnership, a relationship of cooperation from an economic and political point of view, which means a lot to us and which we will not give up," said Márcio Elias Rosa.
In response to the demands made by the French delegation, the executive secretary presented Brazil's progress in energy transition and the business opportunities that arise from it, in fields such as energy production through offshore wind farms and green hydrogen.
Among other issues raised by the French, the executive secretary highlighted investment opportunities related to the Brazilian plan for artificial intelligence, the health-industrial economic complex and the importance of acquiring helicopters for the defence of national airspace.
The Executive Secretary also asked the French delegation for support in bringing the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union to a conclusion. "We believe that it is very important for our two countries, at such a turbulent time in international relations, that we reach an alignment that allows the conclusion of this agreement," he argued.
The French minister stressed the importance of Brazil as a strategic partner for France, as well as the interest in increasing exports and investments between the two countries.