This is the El Quemado Solar Park and Annexes, which belongs to Luz de Campo and YPF Luz and will be developed in the town of Jocolí in the Las Heras department of the province of Mendoza.
The Argentine Ministry of Economy has approved the application for membership in the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI) for the 'El Quemado Solar Park and Annexes' Project, which will have an investment of 211 million dollars (205 million euros) and will generate an installed capacity of 305 MW.
This project belongs to Luz de Campo and YPF Luz and will be developed in the town of Jocolí in the Las Heras department of the province of Mendoza.
The investment plan presented will be developed in two stages and will provide energy under a load factor of 31.4%. Luz de Campo also reported that the entire investment will be made in the next two years.
Along the same lines, the Customs Collection and Control Agency (ARCA) will proceed to generate a special unique tax identification code (CUIT) for Luz de Campo, as well as to apply the tax and customs incentives of the RIGI.
In addition, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) will enable the exchange rate incentives provided for. The list of goods and services that can be imported to develop the project was also approved.
The RIGI is a long-term tool for new projects or expansions of pre-existing projects that represent significant investments for the national economy that would not otherwise be developed. This regime provides for the granting of incentives, certainty, legal security and a system of protection of acquired rights.
This regime is part of the policy pursued by the Milei Government as a tool to promote the economic, productive and social development of Argentina, generating the conditions of predictability, stability and competitiveness necessary to attract large investments to the country through the promotion of the development of strategic sectors and the temporary advancement of macroeconomic investment solutions without which they could not develop with the desired dynamism.