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China gives the green light to two Uruguayan meat processing plants to export beef and horse meat
Thursday, May 16, 2024 - 16:30
Fuente: Reuters

The Lacalle Pou government reported that, after efforts initiated during the Uruguayan president's visit to China, exports from two meat processing plants to that destination were enabled.

Two meat processing plants in Uruguay, one located in the department of Florida and the other in Canelones, were authorized to export meat to China, the government of Luis Lacalle Pou announced this Thursday, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Livestock. Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP).

As explained, both establishments received authorization from the health authority in that Asian nation after the efforts carried out by Foreign Affairs and Livestock.


The Halmon company, Frigorífico Florida, was authorized this Thursday, May 16, by the Food Safety Bureau of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC), which enables that establishment to export meat to that market.

The Presidency of the Republic indicated that this achievement is the result of efforts made during the state visit, headed by President Lacalle Pou, to China in November 2023.

These efforts allowed subsequent actions that led to authorizations, with actions by the MGAP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the Chinese health authorities and the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Uruguay, whose support and trust is especially appreciated, it was highlighted in a statement. .

This is a qualification of great relevance due to its economic and social impact for the department of Florida, as well as at the national level.

The slaughterhouse located in the departmental capital of Florida, inactive for several months, resumed slaughter and industrialization work at the beginning of this month and currently processed 2,615 cattle in two weeks, therefore it does not reach 1% of the total accumulated in the year, 844,341 cattle slaughtered in 32 establishments located throughout the national territory.

At the same time, the Chinese authorities reported that Frigorífico Sarel, with facilities in Canelones and an exporter of horse meat, has obtained export authorization.

This slaughterhouse has slaughtered 1,838 horses this year, 18% of a total of 10,150, an operation carried out in three establishments.

Since Sarel's authorization, all local equine meat export plants are able to market to the Chinese market.



El Observador