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The Itaipu Dam supports 78% of Paraguay's electricity market demand.
Friday, March 14, 2025 - 11:15
Fuente: Itaipú

For its part, the Paraguayan/Argentine Yacyretá hydroelectric plant holds 19.4% of the market.

The Paraguayan/Brazilian hydroelectric plant accounts for 77.63% of current demand in the Paraguayan electricity market, according to records released yesterday morning by the Paraguayan Vice Ministry of Mines and Energy after nearly five months of silence.

For its part, the Paraguayan/Argentine Yacyretá hydroelectric plant carries 19.4%, while the Acaray hydroelectric plant, owned by the National Electricity Administration (ANDE), provides the remaining 2.92%.

According to the same source, demand for the Interconnected System served by ANDE closed 2024 with a demand of 26,258,514 MWh (1 MWh = 1000 kWh), 18.3% more than what they had registered in 2023, equivalent to 39% of all Itaipu production that year.

The report doesn't explain anything about the tripling of market demand, nor did ANDE at the time; however, experts, primarily independent ones, attribute it to the emergence of crypto mining in our market, both legally and illegally.

According to the report from the Vice Ministry of Mines and Energy, in 2023, the Paraguayan electricity market—including ANDE's losses—had seen total demand reach 22,194,829 MWh, 18.3% less than the figure forecast for 2024.


In absolute terms, the reference hydroelectric plants supplied electricity to the National Interconnected System (SIN) as follows: Itaipu, 20,384,002 MWh; Yacyretá, 5,107,198 MWh; and Acaray, 767,314 MWh.

Regarding the utilization rate of each plant, we highlight that Yacyretá's saw an extraordinary jump, 170.94% compared to the previous year, Itaipu's 4.45%, while the share of the national Acaray plant suffered a contraction, -3.5%.

According to informational materials released by the Undersecretariat of Mines and Energy, the months with the highest consumption continue to be January, February, and March, while June, July, and August are among the months with the lowest demand.



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