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Chile registered a 7.2% drop in the unemployment rate of foreigners and informality exceeds 31%
Friday, March 1, 2024 - 15:45
Fuente: Reuters

The informal employment rate of the foreign population rose to 31.3%. People in that group who are informally employed grew 4.3% in the last moving quarter.

The foreign unemployment rate in Chile stood at 7.2% during the November 2023-January 2024 quarter, contracting 0.2% in twelve months, according to information provided by the National Institute of Statistics of Chile (INE).

In the annual estimate of the total foreign population, the labor force reached a variation of 3.3%, lower than that registered by employed people of 3.5%, affected only by women (8.6%).

Meanwhile, unemployed people increased 0.6%, said the INE.

The participation and occupancy rates stood at 81.7% and 75.8%, growing 2.0% annually, in both cases.

By economic sector, the branches of commerce (31.3%), accommodation and food service (6.8%) and households as employers (8.8%) influenced the increase in employed people; while by occupational category the increase was observed in self-employed people (17.5%).

The expansion of the employed population in twelve months (3.5%) was driven by people with secondary education (9.6%) and university education (4.9%); while the main declines occurred in primary education (-14.5%) and technical education (-4.1%).

The unemployment rate for foreign women stood at 8.3%, and did not change in twelve months; while that of foreign men reached 6.2%, decreasing 0.4% in the same period.

Participation rates, meanwhile, stood at 74.1% and 89.8%, while employment rates stood at 67.9% and 84.3%, for foreign women and men, respectively.


Finally, the INE detailed that the informal employment rate of the foreign population stood at 31.3%, with an increase of 0.2% in twelve months.

For women, the informal employment rate was 32.4% and for men, 30.4%, with variations of 2.2 pp. and -1.5%, respectively.

Foreigners employed informally grew 4.3%, affected exclusively by women (16.7%).



Biobío Chile