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Mexico: Sheinbaum's housing program aims to build 1 million homes during the six-year term
Monday, October 14, 2024 - 15:00
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In the southern region of the country, 351,000 new homes will be built; in the center, 239,400; in the center-north, 280,800, and in the north, 206,800, covering both urban and rural areas, explained Edna Elena Vega, head of Sedatu.

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum presented the new housing program to build 1 million homes during her administration, which will cost 600 billion pesos (more than US$31 billion) and will be financed by the National Workers' Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit) and Financiera para el Bienestar (Finabien).

According to the president, part of the housing plan would be for people with social security, through Infonavit, and the other part would be with the National Housing Commission (Conavi).

"The million homes that we are going to build will be partly with Infonavit and the other with Conavi; that is, partly for Infonavit members and the other part for those who are not entitled to it and have incomes below or below the minimum or up to two or three minimum wages," said the president.

Edna Elena Vega, head of the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu), said that by 2025 there will be 165,000 new homes and 100,000 housing improvements in the eastern part of the State of Mexico.

The official said that attention will be focused on the southern, southeastern and northern regions of the country, where the greatest need for housing is concentrated. In the southern region, 351,000 new homes will be built; in the central region, 239,400; in the central-northern region, 280,800, and in the north, 206,800, covering both urban and rural areas.

In addition, a significant percentage of the new homes will be allocated to women, young people, indigenous families and senior citizens.

He also said that by 2025, it is estimated that 28 million new homes will be required and by 2030, the figure will rise to 66 million.

He also indicated that the program could generate more than six million direct jobs and nine million indirect jobs.

Infonavit is going for 250,000 credits

For his part, Octavio Oropeza explained that during this six-year term, Infonavit will have the task of investing 288 billion pesos (close to US$ 15 billion) for the construction of 500,000 homes and, additionally, 250,000 loans will be granted with a total value of 20 billion pesos (more than US$ 1 billion) for the remodeling, repair or expansion of homes.

He also reported on the creation of a construction company to reduce costs and improve the capacity to meet the program's objectives.

Rodrigo Chávez Contreras, general director of the National Housing Commission (Conavi), explained that a budget of 285 billion pesos (US$ 14.775 billion) will be allocated for the construction of 500,000 homes and 15 billion pesos (US$ 777 million) for 300,000 housing improvement loans.

He said that socioeconomic studies will be carried out, and those who are approved will pay a monthly fee that does not exceed 30% of their income for up to 30 years.

"A census will be conducted house by house and applications will be opened through the nation's servers. Of these 500,000 homes, rental housing will be promoted for young people between 18 and 30 years old. Housing units will be built near educational centers and industrial areas, with an appropriate prototype. The rental will be for five years, and can be extended for two more years, without exceeding 30% of the young students' income," said the official.

Rocío Mejía Flores, general director of Financiera para el Bienestar (Finabien), commented that the institution "will be the financial vehicle to support this great housing program, in addition to continuing to support the sending and receiving of remittances, the promotion of popular savings and granting loans to small businesses."



El Economista