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TTR Data: Latin American transactional market recorded a 20% drop in the first quarter of 2024
Friday, May 10, 2024 - 12:19
Fuente: El Economista

Until April, 809 transactions have been registered and an amount of US$ 18,590 million.

As of April, the Latin American transactional market has recorded a total of 809 mergers and acquisitions, both announced and closed, for an aggregate amount of US$18.59 billion, according to the most recent report by TTR Data and Datasite.

These figures imply a 20% decrease in the number of transactions and a 33% increase in their amount, compared to April 2023.

As for April, a total of 178 mergers and acquisitions have been registered in the month, both announced and closed, for an aggregate amount of US$ 6,142 million.


According to data recorded until April, by number of transactions, Brazil leads the ranking of the most active countries in the region with 496 transactions (with a decrease of 23%) and with a 3% increase in mobilized capital (US$ 12,861 million).

Mexico follows on the list with 94 transactions (with a decrease of 20%) and a decrease of 84% in their amount (US$ 1,307 million), compared to April 2023.

For its part, Chile drops in the ranking, with 91 transactions (a decrease of 25%) and with a 73% decrease in mobilized capital (US$ 1,763 million).

Colombia, for its part, drops one position in the ranking, but is the only country with positive results in the transactional market and registers 78 deals (an increase of 1%) and a 251% increase in mobilized capital (US$ 2,045 million), in year-on-year terms.

Meanwhile, Argentina rises one place in the ranking and presents 47 transactions (however it decreases by 27%) and registers a 220% increase in its mobilized capital (US$ 1,813 million).

Lastly, Peru decreases its activity and registers 39 transactions (a decrease of 22%), with a decrease of 75% in their amount (USD 984m).


In the cross-border area, the investment appetite of Latin American companies abroad stands out in April, especially in Europe and North America, where 20 and 18 transactions have been carried out, respectively.

For their part, the companies that have carried out the most strategic transactions in Latin America come from North America and Europe, with 129 and 84 deals , respectively.


In April 2024, a total of 54 Private Equity transactions have been recorded by
US$ 1,588 million, which represents a downward trend in the number of transactions (-13%) and an increase of 37% in its mobilized capital, compared to the same period of the previous year.

For its part, the Venture Capital segment has recorded a total of 211 transactions in the first four months of the year with an aggregate amount of US$ 929 million, which implies a negative variation of 21% in the number of transactions and a decrease of 21% in its amount, in interannual terms.

In the Asset Acquisitions segment, 157 transactions have been registered up to April, for a value of US$3,757 million, which represents a 33% increase in the number of transactions and a 64% increase in their amount, compared to the previous year. same period of 2023.


For April 2024, TTR Data has selected as a featured transaction the one related to
Graystone Holdings, a subsidiary of IHC - International Holding Company, Grupo Argos and Grupo SURA, which have completed the takeover bid launched for up to 23.1% of Grupo Nutresa, with which they have acquired 22.6% for US$ 1,241 million .

It should be noted that the transaction has had financial advice from Bank of America, JP Morgan and Rothschild. On the Legal side, the transaction has been advised by Brigard Urrutia, Esguerra Asesores Jurídicos, Sullivan & Cromwell US, Grupo Sura, among other legal firms.


