Of the separations carried out by the firm, fifteen of them took place in the Bío Bío region.
The Union of the National Petroleum Company of Chile (Enap) announced mobilizations, this after the dismissal of around 50 people nationwide.
Iván Montes, leader of the Enap-Petrox Workers' Union, described the workers' disengagement as a stab in the back.
Of the layoffs in question, 15 of them correspond to the Bío Bío region, which are added to those registered in previous years.
In that sense, the leader pointed out that the measure puts the company's operation at risk.
Through a public statement, Enap reported that after a review process that will strengthen the organization through a restructuring of the company's different business units, the company terminated the contractual relationship with some workers.
Furthermore, they added in the letter that the adjustment is not part of a larger plan and responds to the need to adapt to the company's new challenges.
For its part, the Union announced mobilizations starting this Friday.