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The Treasury in Chile disbursed US$ 585 million to cover bonuses for contributors with zero balance in AFP after withdrawals
Monday, June 10, 2024 - 11:00
AFP. Foto: Andina.

It should be remembered that, in accordance with Law No. 21,339, there were criteria for people to agree to receive this bonus.

The fiscal coffers have disbursed US$585 million to pay the state bonus of up to US$218.5 to those who were left with US$0 in the AFP, or with a balance of less than US$218.5, after the withdrawals of funds.

It should be remembered that, in accordance with Law No. 21,339, there were criteria for people to agree to receive this bonus.

The first was for the contributor to register a “zero balance” in their mandatory contribution account at some point between July 30, 2020 and March 31, 2021; and that also had a balance of less than US$218.5 as of March 31.

Those who had less than US$0.21 in their AFP account were also able to obtain the bonus, regardless of whether they withdrew funds or not.

Tax expenditure

The Superintendency of Pensions (SP) detailed that, according to the information reported by the seven pension fund administrators, until May 31, the system counted 3,129,840 applications entered to qualify for the state bonus of up to US$ 218, 5, of which 3,008,963 had been accepted.

Of the total successful requests, the AFPs paid 2,844,282, which is equivalent to 94.5%.

“The average payment per request, meanwhile, was US$206.2, while the total disbursement reached US$585 million in fiscal terms, considering the value of the dollar on the last business day of May (US$918),” said the SP.

The resources to pay this state benefit were transferred from the General Treasury of the Republic (TGR) to the administrators and deposited in bank current accounts, “to avoid fluctuations in the value of the amounts and ensure that the full value of the bond is respected. to whom it corresponds,” it was specified.


