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YPFB is ready to transport Argentine gas to the Brazilian market
Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 15:45
YPFB vía web.

The Bolivian oil company has the capacity to transport up to 10 million cubic meters per day (MMm3d).

    With more than 1,000 km of gas pipelines crossing Bolivian territory, the Integrated Natural Gas Transportation System of the Bolivian oil company YPFB is ready to transport Argentine gas to the Brazilian market.

    “Starting in October of this administration, Bolivia will be able to transport 3 million cubic meters per day (MMm3d) of Argentine gas to the Brazilian market. At this moment, we do not have competition because we have a consolidated, operational and safe system that will allow us to efficiently and competitively transport natural gas from Argentina to the main markets in Brazil such as Sao Paulo,” indicated Armin Dorgathen, president of YPFB. .

    The state oil company is working on adaptation projects that will allow transporting volumes greater than 10 million cubic meters per day (MMm3d) in the medium term.

    "The situation allows it with the consolidation of the reversal projects of the northern system of Argentine gas pipelines, the implementation of new projects such as the President Néstor Kirchner Gasduct (GPNK) and other new gas pipeline projects in the neighboring country, which will allow transportation of greater quantities of natural gas from Vaca Muerta through the Integrated Natural Gas Transportation System of Bolivia to Brazil,” the authority specified.


    The Integrated Natural Gas Transportation System of Bolivia has the pipelines of YPFB Transporte (GIJA), YPFB Transierra (GASYRG), Gas Transboliviano and Gas Oriente Boliviano.

    “Its strategic location and a gas pipeline system that unites three countries (Argentina-Bolivia-Brazil) consolidates our state as the immediate, safe and efficient option for regional energy integration of natural gas markets,” said Dorgathen.

    This gas pipeline system operates all year round without interruption, safely and efficiently. It has been interconnected with Argentina for more than 13 years, through the TGN (Transportadora de Gas del Norte) gas pipeline system, and with Brazil for more than 25 years through the TBG (Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolívia) gas pipeline system. -Brazil).


    La Razón