The regulator Ositrán issued a statement regarding the statement from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Association of International Air Transport Companies (AETAI) on the increase in rates at the new Jorge Chávez International Airport (AIJC).
The Supervisory Body for Investment in Public Use Transportation Infrastructure of Peru (Ositrán) reported that the new airport rates for the new terminal of the Jorge Chavez International Airport will come into force in January 2027.
Ositrán issued a statement regarding the statement from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Association of International Air Transport Companies (AETAI) on the increase in rates at the new Jorge Chávez International Airport (AIJC).
Ositrán specified that the new airport rates will come into force in January 2027, for which the setting procedure established in the Rate Regulations (RETA) will be followed. This rate setting process would only begin in 2026, he added.
“The only rate that will be set due to the new configuration of the passenger terminal building is that of the TUUA for transfer passengers, in accordance with what is established in addendum 6 to the AIJC concession contract,” he said.
“This rate setting procedure is in process. The rate would be applied with the start-up of the new terminal,” he said.
Ositran noted that regarding the request of the airlines to delay the start of operations of the new AIJC passenger terminal, it is noted that Lima Airport Partners (LAP) has the obligation to deliver the new terminal until January 30, 2025.
“The airport operating company that is assigned the operating risk of the concession, has established December 18 of this year as the closing date for pre-operational activities, taking into account that authorizations are previously required to begin the operation. of the aeronautical authority, municipalities and that other government entities such as Customs, Immigration, National Police, Sunat and others, provide the necessary services," he finally noted.