The Minister of Energy and Mines, Rómulo Mucho, stated that Peru is in a process of adaptation to the knowledge of green hydrogen that is emerging in the world.
The Minister of Energy and Mines of Peru, Rómulo Mucho, pointed out today that there are companies that are interested in installing green hydrogen plants in the Andean country for more than US$ 12.5 billion.
“Tomorrow Phelan Green Energy will be in Lima, a South African company that wants to make an investment of US$2.5 billion in Arequipa, but requires some support from the Government and the premier will receive it, and will also meet with the governor of Arequipa” , said.
He stated that they will determine what the land will be like to locate a photovoltaic plant and another hydrogen plant.
He said that hydrogen is used for vehicles, fertilizers and to generate electricity.
He stated that Peru is in a process of adaptation to the knowledge of green hydrogen that is emerging in the world.
Likewise, he stated that there is another company that wants to invest more than US$ 10,000 million to generate greater production than even Phelan.
“Welcome that investors look at Peru with interest,” noted Minister Much.
In the district of La Joya, a 4,000-hectare land has been made available so that the South African company Phelan Green Energy can install the first green hydrogen production plant in Peru, with an investment of about US$2.5 billion, in addition of the generation of hundreds of jobs with the consequent generation of clean energy.
As announced at the time by the regional governor Rohel Sánchez Sánchez, in addition to the investment that will be made, the use of fossil fuels, such as oil, will be replaced, which will allow the energy matrix to change and increase the quality of life of the population and the own planet.
The manager of Energy and Mines, Iván Prado, explained a few days ago that the production of green hydrogen is obtained through the use of renewable energies such as water or air, which makes it a clean, sustainable fuel with a pollution index. zero that can be key, not only as an energy vector, but as a raw material.
This energy is achieved through an electrolysis process powered by renewable energy such as wind or solar. When converted into energy, hydrogen is stored in tanks and piped into a fuel cell.
There it joins again with oxygen from the air and electrical energy is obtained. In this way, the only residue left by the process is water; Therefore, it is a clean, sustainable system and no polluting particles are emitted to produce energy.
It is clean energy: the only waste it generates is water. It is renewable, because it uses natural resources that are not exhausted; It is compressed and can be stored in tanks for a long time, therefore, it is transportable because it is a very light material.