Itaipu's electrical energy production in the first half
This year it was reduced 18.4% compared to the same period of the year.
According to the latest data published by the Paraguayan offices of Itaipú - specifically, it must be admitted, unlike Yacyretá,
which chose to hide its data since the new administration took office - its production for the first half of 2024 was reduced by
The fact confirms the presumptions according to which a new
water crisis has already settled in the Paraná River basin, of which
feeds the great binational.
According to the data sent yesterday to our editorial team, the
Social Communication Consulting - Itaipu Press Division
Binational, from January to June, the binational plant generated 33,171
GWh (1 GWh = 1000 MWh), while in the same period last year, its production reached 40,652 GWh.
The difference between one semester and the other was no less than 7,481 GWh, or a little more than 18%.
If we compare the Paraguayan half of the first six months of the
current exercise with which we corresponded last year, the
loss was 3,740.5 MWh.
However, if we compare the amount that ANDE used in
During the period in question we will see that this rate increased by 18.1%.
That is, in the first half of 2024, the Paraguayan state-owned
Electricity withdrew 18.1% more than in the first six months of last year.
However, if Paraguayan energy in Itaipu was reduced, and the rate
utilization recorded an increase of more than 18%, another
conclusion is presented in this analysis scenario: the rate of
transfer of energy to Brazil decreased by no less than 50.1%,
10,863 GWh in 2023 to 5,418 GWh in the current year.
Unfortunately, also the Vice Ministry of Mines and Energy
of the Ministry of Public Works adhered to the "occult" philosophy
from Yacyretá and for a couple of months he has not disclosed his
conclusions on the behavior of the electricity market
Paraguayan, otherwise it would be known with certainty whether this decrease
of the cession rate is only a consequence of the lowering of the river
Paraná or should we attribute it to the growth of the domestic product
gross of Paraguay.
According to Itaipu, in the first half of this year the ANDE
It withdrew 11,175 GWh from Itaipú, and used 9,463 GWh between January and June of last year. Regarding the amount transferred, last year it reached 11,000 GWh and this year it exceeded 5,400 MWh.
Last Thursday we published that Brazil's payments to
Ministry of Economy and Finance of Paraguay (MEF) in
concept of Compensation for Energy Transfer had been
reduced by almost 10%, US$ 102,546,300 this year, against US$
113,555,200 subscribers between January and June 2023.
Today it is known with certainty that it was due to the decrease in the amount of energy that Paraguay transferred to Brazil in this year.
The smaller transfer, obviously, makes the average of the sum
that they paid to the Guaraní country for that benefit increases, in this
case at US$ 18.9/MWh. Last year, in the same period, that payment
average was US$ 10.4/MWh.