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Mexico: Claudia Sheinbaum presents the fourth round of her cabinet
Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 14:15
Cuenta X Claudia Sheinbaum

The elected president announced that Lázaro Cárdenas Batel will occupy the position of head of the Office of the Presidency.

The virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, announced this Thursday the fourth round of appointments of the members of her presidential cabinet, who will accompany her at the beginning of the 2024-2030 six-year term starting next October 1.

On this Cabinet Thursday he only presented one member of his future administration and commented that it will be next week when he concludes his rounds of appointments.

On this occasion from his transition house, Sheinbaum Pardo revealed the profile of the owner who will lead:

Lázaro Cárdenas Batel - Head of the Office of the Presidency

Lázaro Cárdenas Batel, a 60-year-old ethnohistorian, is the son of Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, and grandson of former president Lázaro Cárdenas del Río.

"I have known Lázaro (Cárdenas) for many years, not only are we colleagues, friends, but he has held very important positions that allow him to coordinate our office," commented Sheinbaum Pardo during the presentation of the next head of the Office of the Presidency.

In addition, he explained that Cárdenas Batel's job will be to help monitor the government's strategic issues and, at the same time, relations with different sectors of society.

"I have no doubt that the next government will be consistent with the trajectory of Claudia Sheinbaum and with the causes that she has promoted and defended throughout her life in the university, in scientific research, in activism and political militancy, in the commitment to an inclusive and sustainable vision of development in the work of government in Mexico City," shared Lázaro Cárdenas.

Lázaro Cardenas Batel will be the Head of the Office of the Republic, he was coordinator of advisors to the outgoing president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, he was Senator and Governor of the state of Michoacán, in addition to being a Federal Deputy.

Also, he was a member of the Inter-American dialogue between 2010 and 2018 and special advisor to the presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, between 2023 and 2024.

Cárdenas Batel, who was a candidate to lead Pemex, thanked the virtual president for the invitation to occupy the position held by Alfonso Romo between 2018 and 2020. “For me it represents an honor because it is a space that implies trust, where we can continue contributing to the country. .”

It should be remembered that the heads of the Secretariat of National Defense and the Secretariat of the Navy will be announced in September.

What is the Legal Cabinet?

With the recent announcement of the virtual president of the Head of the Office of the Presidency, only those of the Secretariats of Culture, Tourism and Labor will be missing, so that the legal cabinet is almost formed to take office as of October 1 from 2024.

The cabinet is the organization of the Federal Public Administration that brings together the main collaborators of the President of the Republic. The presidential cabinet is made up of 19 Secretariats, as well as the Legal Department of the Federal Executive and the Attorney General's Office of the Republic (FGR).

The legal cabinet is made up of the Attorney General, the Legal Counsel, the Head of the Office of the President and the secretaries of State who have equal rank, each of the secretariats formulates its own bills, regulations and decrees of according to the orders of the president and the needs of the country.

For its part, the expanded cabinet brings together the General Directors of Parastatal Entities, such as the heads of Pemex, the CFE and other government agencies.

How is Claudia Sheinbaum integrating her presidential cabinet?

Until now, the president-elect had met six women and six men in each of her past appointments, so she seeks to have the same number of women and men in her work team, as she announced during her presidential campaign.

The appointments confirmed so far are:

  • Rogelio Ramírez de la O - Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP)
  • Marcelo Ebrard - Ministry of Economy (SE)
  • Rosaura Ruíz Gutiérrez - Secretariat of Sciences, Humanities, Technology and Innovation
  • Juan Ramón de la Fuente - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE)
  • Alicia Bárcena - Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat)
  • Ernestina Godoy - Legal Department of the Presidency
  • Julio Berdegué - Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader)
  • Luz Elena González Escobar - Secretary of Energy (Sener)
  • David Kershenobich - Secretary of Health (SSA)
  • Jesús Antonio Esteva Medina - Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT)
  • Raquel Buenrostro - Secretariat of Public Function (SFP)
  • Edna Elena Vega Rangel - Secretariat of Territorial and Urban Agrarian Development (Sedatu)
  • Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez - Secretary of the Interior (Segob)
  • Mario Delgado Carrillo - Ministry of Public Education (SEP)
  • Ariadna Montiel Reyes - Secretary of Welfare
  • Omar García Harfuch - Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC)



El Economista