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Bolivian truckers block the La Paz-Oruro highway due to diesel shortage
Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 16:30
crédito foto La razón

“The bases have been decided to close (the road) because this is due to the bad attitude of the president of YPFB. (…) His presence has been requested, for him to come in person and we can solve the problems, he has to know how to represent and know how to give the reason why we do not have fuel,” said the CBT union leader.

Drivers from the Bolivian Chamber of National and International Transport (CBT) decided to block the highway that connects the department of La Paz with Oruro in demand of the presence of the president of Yacimientos Petrolófilos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen at the meeting scheduled for this Thursday.

The president of the CBT, Héctor Mercado, regretted that the head of the state oil company did not attend the meeting where a response to the lack of diesel for the sector was expected.

“The bases have been decided to close (the road) because this is due to the bad attitude of the president of YPFB. (…) His presence has been requested, for him to come in person and we can solve the problems, he has to know how to represent and know how to give the reason why we do not have fuel,” said the leader.

Parallel to the blockade on the La Paz-Oruro highway, national and international cargo transporters from Oruro block the roads in demand of a greater supply of diesel since they are hindered in carrying out their activities.

“Oruro is closed, the different pumps are closed, Cochabamba is just starting and this is happening due to the stupidity of the transporter, it is a shame that the transporter is sleeping 24, 72 hours and the worst thing is that the president of YPFB does not show his face ", I reproach.


On Wednesday evening, the CBT leadership and authorities from the Ministry of Economy met where they made known the progress made on the union's demands.

Some of these commitments are already in application, in other cases, the regulations, decrees and resolutions have been approved or are in the final validation phase.

“As far as the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance (MEFP) is concerned, we have been complying with what we had committed to and they have recognized it,” said the minister, Marcelo Montenegro.

“The leaders have recognized that important progress has been made, many of them have already been completed, and others will be perfected until next week. "They are aware that the Government of President Luis Arce Catacora is complying with what was agreed on June 26," he added.

On June 26, Government authorities signed a 12-point agreement with the Heavy Transport Unit, which brings together the Bolivian Chamber of National Transport, the Departmental Chambers of Transport and International and heavy transport.



La Razón