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Chilean government pressures Enel to provide compensation in anticipation of electricity price hike
Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 15:30
Fuente: Radio Universidad de Chile

In the case of the four electricity companies that did announce their plans, the amounts are quite significant, since they are equivalent to nearly ten times the value of the energy not supplied.

Chilean Energy Minister Diego Pardow has urged companies to bring forward automatic compensation payments in order to “cushion” the impact that the upcoming increase in electricity rates in October would have on families’ pockets.

Remember that the normalization of rates would bring with it three increases in bills: one in July, another in October and a third increase in January.

And although several companies have already advanced the payment of compensation (discounts on bills), which was requested by President Gabriel Boric himself, the only one that is "in debt" is Enel.

In the case of the four companies that did announce their plans, the amounts are quite significant, as they are equivalent to nearly ten times the value of the energy not supplied.


Yesterday, the preliminary report of the National Energy Commission (CNE) was released, which shows that the increase in October will be close to 22%.

Although Pardow said that this figure is a “fairly general” average, he rejected the idea that it could be postponed and therefore intensified the call for Enel to advance discounts.

“It is unfortunate that both processes have coincided. If we do manage to get the discounts for cuts to materialize in the accounts as soon as possible, it will be, in fact, a mechanism to cushion that,” said the minister.

Pardow also reiterated that during the next week they will introduce the project that seeks to triple the Electricity Subsidy, plus an increase in fines for electric companies and an increase in compensation.


All these comments were made in the context of the launch of the “Plan Cuentas Claras” (Clear Accounts Plan), which seeks to resolve citizens’ doubts regarding electricity bills and compensation for power outages.

This will enable officials from the Chilean Ministry of Energy, the SEC and Sernac to be available in the municipalities most affected by power outages, who will guide people regarding the reading of bills, payment of compensation, the electricity subsidy and any unpaid debts they may have.

The first stage of this plan will be implemented in the Metropolitan region and La Araucanía.

The national director of Sernac, Andrés Herrera, participated in the event and referred to the Saesa Group's refusal to seek compensation via the Consumer Law, which is why they will take legal action against the distributor.

“CGE, Enel and Chilquinta have submitted to the (voluntary collective procedure). Given the invitation and notice issued by Sernac to Saesa, Frontel and Luz Osorno, they consider it “unnecessary” to submit to this procedure. What we have said is that we do consider it necessary to sue these companies collectively,” concluded Herrera.



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