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Brazil will invest more than US$ 1 billion to promote the use of sustainable aviation fuel
Friday, August 23, 2024 - 09:00
Fuente: MDIC

The Vice President and Minister of Development, Industry, Trade and Services of Brazil, Geraldo Alckmin, was in charge of presenting this public call, highlighting that Brazil has all the conditions to be a global power.

The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and the Financing Agency for Studies and Projects (FINEP) have estimated resources of 6 billion reais (US$ 1.085 billion) for Brazil to become the largest player in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), supplying the product to the entire world.

The Vice President and Minister of Development, Industry, Trade and Services of Brazil, Geraldo Alckmin, was in charge of presenting this public call, highlighting that Brazil has all the conditions to be a global power.

"We have countless possibilities, enormous potential to help with decarbonization, generate jobs and strengthen Brazilian industry," said the vice president, who participated in the announcement together with the president of BNDES, Aloizio Mercadante, and the ministers of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luciana Santos, and Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, respectively.

Brazilian companies that produce fuels or carry out research, technological development and innovation activities with the aim of developing technologies may register for this call.

Companies that market the final products resulting from these technologies are also included. Companies may participate individually or in consortium. The objective is to encourage business cooperation and strengthen the first SAF and sustainable fuels for navigation ventures in Brazil.

According to the president of Bndes, the agenda is important for Brazil and the market is huge, since 95% of cargo transportation and all foreign trade is carried out by ship.

"Brazil has all the conditions to lead this agenda. We are already leaders in clean energy and we can be the country that advances the transition towards a green and sustainable economy in decisive sectors," he said.

Each proposal must present a single business plan, requiring a credit of more than 20 million Brazilian reals (US$ 3.6 million) for its execution, using the financial instruments available at Bndes and Finep.

Support may include activities and expenses related to research, technological development, engineering projects, pilot plants (semi-industrial and industrial), working capital, acquisition of machinery and equipment and other expenses related to the structuring of the projects.

To evaluate the plans, Bndes and Finep, which each invested 3 billion reais (US$542 million) in the project, will form a specific working group.


Europa Press