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Colombia reaffirms measure to limit energy exports to Ecuador
Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 18:21
Foto Pexels

Gustavo Petro's government announced measures to address the dry season due to the "climate crisis."

In order to ensure the recovery of its reservoirs and energy supply, Colombia has taken several actions, one of which is related to the export of electricity to Ecuador.

There are six measures that the Ministry of Energy and Mines of the coffee industry has put in place to deal with the dry season due to the “climate crisis.”

The fourth measure states: “We have limited energy exports to Ecuador” and mentions resolution 40330, issued on August 16, which states that electricity sales must be made with “thermal energy that is not necessary for national dispatch.”

“Colombia is selling us energy,” but they have also “had problems with water restrictions and it has affected their operations, so at times there is an offer that was planned and they have had to reduce it, but on average they are offering us 300 megawatts, they could give us up to 420 megawatts,” said the manager of the Ecuadorian Electric Corporation (CELEC), Fabián Calero, this Thursday, September 19, on La Poderosa radio.

Last August, Colombia had already announced that it would export energy only from thermal power plants to Ecuador and after covering local demand.

Other actions announced Thursday by the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy include:

  • The Ministry of Mines and Energy and the affiliated institutions will continue to closely monitor the energy situation
  • Surplus delivery enabled to include more energy to the grid
  • Generation of thermal energy to meet demand
  • Enabling energy saving measures for the industrial sector
  • Reactivation of energy saving and efficient use campaigns.

Ecuador is currently preparing for the electricity rationing announced for September 23-26, as a measure to deal with the drought affecting the country.



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