This figure represents an additional flow of 732,000 visitors compared to 2023.
Peru's Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) said today that the arrival of foreign tourists, or inbound tourism, grew 29% by the end of 2024 compared to the previous year, equivalent to an additional flow of 732,000 tourists.
“This figure also shows a solid recovery of 74.5 percent compared to pre-pandemic tourism levels, achieved in 2019,” Mincetur stressed.
According to figures from the National Immigration Superintendency, the arrival of tourists was driven mainly by residents of several countries.
Chile was the main source of tourists, with 700,000 visitors (21.5% of the total), followed by the United States with 604,000 tourists (18.6%), Ecuador with 291,000 (8.9%), Bolivia with 189,000 (5.8%), Brazil with 185,000 (5.7%) and Colombia with 170,000 (5.2%). These six countries together account for 65.7% of total arrivals.
Mincetur stressed that Peru received 3,256,693 international tourists last year, adding that several countries that send tourists to Peru have exceeded pre-pandemic levels, highlighting Bolivia (0.1%), Costa Rica (15.3%), Poland (20.4%), Dominican Republic (46.2%), Guatemala (38.4%) and India (14.2%), among others.
In terms of regional blocks, South America led the arrival of tourists, representing 51.6% of the total with 1,678,963 international tourists. North America accounted for 24% (783,000 tourists), Europe 16.6% (540,000 tourists) and Asia 4% (129,000 tourists).
Regarding tourist arrivals to Peru, Jorge Chávez International Airport (AIJCH) stood out as the main point of entry, receiving 2,157,213 international tourists, equivalent to 66.2% of the total.
Other immigration checkpoints also showed significant figures: the Santa Rosa Border Control Post in Tacna registered 498,000 tourists (15.3%), the Tumbes Binational Border Service Center reached 230,000 tourists (7.1%), and the Desaguadero/Carancas/CEBAF Border Control Post in Puno reported 174,000 tourists (5.3%).
By the end of 2024, 3,172,842 Peruvian tourists were registered as resident tourists, reaching 96.9% of pre-pandemic levels.
The main destinations were Chile, with more than one million tourists, followed by the United States (390,000), Bolivia (337,000), Spain (281,000) and Colombia (266,000).
Between January and November 2024, the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu established itself as one of the country's main tourist attractions, receiving 1,411,494 visitors, representing a year-on-year increase of 61.8%. Of this total, 76% were foreign visitors and 24% were national visitors.