The division will protect the State's digital assets and promote the safe use of technology
The Mexican government published a decree in the Official Gazette of the Federation that issues the Internal Regulations of the newly created Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency (ATDT).
The agency's regulations provide for the creation of several directorates, including the Directorate General of Data Intelligence, the Directorate General of Digital Government and a Directorate General of Cybersecurity.
The Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency, as a department of the federal Executive Branch, was created to design and implement public policies on digital inclusion, e-government, telecommunications and cybersecurity.
Its main objectives include the development of digital infrastructure, the promotion of interoperability between government information systems and the strengthening of technological sovereignty.
The General Directorate of Cybersecurity will serve to protect the State's digital assets and guarantee the security of information on the various platforms of the federal government.
Directorate General of Cybersecurity
Within the organizational framework of the Agency, the General Directorate of Cybersecurity is attached to the National Coordination of Digital Infrastructure. This directorate was designed to confront the growing cyber threats and guarantee the integrity of information on government digital platforms.
According to the Internal Regulations of the Agency, the General Directorate of Cybersecurity is responsible for:
1. Design and implement security strategies in the federal government's computer systems and web developments.
2. Coordinate efforts to protect the information contained in the digital systems of the Federal Public Administration, following international standards.
3. Direct the policy of training in digital skills in security matters for public servants.
4. Issue guidelines and programs that promote the safe use of information and communications technologies among citizens.
5. Oversee the application of security protocols in federal government telecommunications.
Global cybersecurity
The creation of the General Directorate of Cybersecurity does not occur in a vacuum; it responds to an international scenario where cyberattacks and digital vulnerabilities represent serious threats to governments, companies and citizens.
Ransomware attacks, data theft and digital espionage activities have increased exponentially, creating the need for specialized government structures in this area.
Mexico accumulated 42.4 million attempted malware attacks against companies during 2024. This figure means that 116,000 attempted attacks against Mexican companies were recorded every day, an average of 80 attacks per minute, of which 29.77% targeted the manufacturing industry, followed by government institutions, which suffered 20.89% of these attempted cyberattacks, according to Kaspersky data.
The incorporation of a specific department within the Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency will allow efforts to be centralized and the response to this type of attack to be more effective.