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Peruvian companies are interested in entering international markets
Monday, March 3, 2025 - 10:30
Fuente: Agencia Andina

More companies are joining the dream of exporting.

Various micro and small businesses (MSEs) in Peru are seeking to expand their sales and are choosing to enter foreign trade to improve their business results.

The Andean country has achieved a unique notoriety in foreign trade, especially in the agricultural export sector.

This development has attracted the interest of many companies to participate in these competitive markets, as their products are not lacking in quality, although there are still aspects that need to be refined in order to achieve higher competitive levels.

“There is a very particular interest among companies to export because there is also more information for them. This generates opportunities and benefits that these productive units want to take advantage of,” said the head of Adex Consulting, Lizbeth Pumasunco, in the newspaper El Peruano .

He commented that exporting means, among other benefits, greater stock turnover, better prices, and greater competitiveness.

“Many companies sometimes end up with a lot of stock and the national market is not enough. Therefore, market diversification is interesting, as it represents economic and financial development, since, for many of them, maintaining warehouses represents a great cost,” explained the executive.


For the representative of Adex Consulting, the largest concentration of companies interested in foreign trade is on the side of micro and small enterprises (MSEs).

“This can be seen in the export figures. Thus, at the end of 2024, MSME exports accounted for 89.3% of the total exported by the country, we are talking about approximately 7,953 companies, of which the greatest growth corresponds to MSMEs. The number of medium-sized exporting companies in 2024 compared to 2023 increased by 40.8%. This confirms that MSMEs are the ones driving the sector,” said Pumasunco.

These companies use the traditional export system, since it is the one that best suits their way of working.

"These companies opt for exports in a conventional way. We see this, for example, in the case of agricultural exports," said the executive.

However, he said that there are options such as Exporta Fácil, which can be used by companies in sectors such as crafts, jewelry and textiles, which require little packaging and which results in lower costs.

“For many companies, opting for the conventional system may be ideal, but it is also important for them to analyse other options so that they can be more competitive and achieve higher levels of profitability,” said Pumasunco.

The head of Adex Consulting said that many exporters choose to send their products to the US market, due to the income that this represents, but there are also others who focus on the Latin American market for business management reasons.

"It is, above all, a question of culture; however, there are currently tools that allow us to enter various markets and achieve important results," he said.


- In 2024, Peruvian exports increased by more than US$ 10 billion compared to the value reached in 2023. The mining and agricultural sectors, the main drivers of this growth, reached record figures.

- Thus, Peruvian exports have registered sustained growth in recent years; in 2024, according to Sunat figures, the export value reached US$ 74,664 million, which meant an increase of 15.6% compared to 2023.

- This dynamism was driven by external factors, such as favourable international prices and stable weather conditions.


Agencia Andina