The auction where the award of the five 10 MHz blocks in the 3.5 GHz band will be decided must be held on June 17 at the offices of the Chilean Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications.
The Undersecretariat of Telecommunications of Chile (Subtel) reported that there was a “technical tie” between the proposals presented by the companies Entel and Claro in the 5G Competition.
Therefore, the allocation of the five 10 MHz blocks in the 3.5 GHz band must be carried out through an auction on June 17 at the offices of the Chilean Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications.
According to current legislation, Subtel noted, companies must present technical projects that must meet the stipulated requirements, mainly coverage, with each element being evaluated.
In the event that the applicant companies do not obtain the total score necessary to be awarded the offered blocks, an auction must be held.
“In this instance, companies make an economic offer for each available unit, awarding it to whoever makes the best one,” said Subtel.
The current 5G contest, which is part of the Zero Digital Gap Plan of the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications, seeks to consolidate “a State vision around access to digital connectivity everywhere in the country where people live.”
In this new version the objective is to incorporate 121 locations that do not have this technology today; in addition to connecting 1,500 kilometers of highway, “responding to the connectivity and security needs of those who live in isolated areas,” explained the Undersecretary.