By country, according to the most recent annual report by TTR Data, in collaboration with Datasite and AON, Brazil led the ranking of the most active countries in the region in 2024.
In 2024, the Latin American transactional market recorded a total of 2,904 mergers and acquisitions, between those announced and those closed, for an aggregate amount of US$87,679 million, which represents an increase of 16% in the capital mobilized and a decrease of 16% in the number of transactions, compared to the figures recorded in 2023.
By country, according to the most recent annual report by TTR Data, in collaboration with Datasite and AON, Brazil led the ranking of the most active countries in the region in 2024. In total, 1,674 transactions were made, which is equivalent to 21% fewer operations, but the capital mobilized grew by 10%, reaching US$ 47,911 million.
Chile is in second place with 367 transactions (down 10%) and a 9% drop in value to US$13.272 billion (12.889 billion euros). Mexico has fallen to third place, with 359 transactions (down 7%) and a 22% increase in value to US$17.060 billion, year-on-year.
Colombia remains in the top tier with 281 transactions (down 5%) and a 35% increase in capital mobilized to US$6.738 billion.
Argentina has dropped in the ranking compared to last year, with 238 transactions (however, it registered an increase of 7%) and with an increase of 246% in capital mobilized, up to US$ 8,833 million. This figure makes it, together with Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, one of the few countries with positive results in capital mobilized in 2024.
Meanwhile, the 176 transactions that took place in Peru represent a 17% increase in the number of transactions, but a 44% decrease in their value, reaching US$ 4,071 million, compared to the previous year.
In 2024, a total of 204 Private Equity transactions have been recorded, of which 67 have an aggregate non-confidential value of US$ 7,056 million. This represents an increase of 2% in the number of transactions and a decrease of 24% in their value, compared to 2023.
As for the Venture Capital segment, in 2024, 617 transactions have been carried out, of which 501 have an aggregate non-confidential amount of US$ 5,336 million, representing a 36% decrease in the number of transactions and a 2% decrease in the capital mobilized, compared to 2023.
In the cross-border sphere, the investment appetite of Latin American companies abroad in 2024 stands out, especially in Europe and North America, where 87 and 72 transactions have been carried out, respectively.
For their part, the companies that have carried out the most strategic transactions in Latin America come from North America, with 442 transactions, Europe (353), and Asia (91).