The company will market generating equipment for Chile and Peru, including generators, welders and air compressors.
The Chilean company Schwager signed an agreement with the Japanese company Denyo for the mining sector of the southern cone, allowing it to market generating equipment in the markets of Chile and Peru. The agreement, sealed in Japan, will expand the product offering to other South American countries, including generators, motorized welders and industrial air compressors.
The signing of the agreement took place at the company's offices located in Tokyo between Takanori Yoshinaga, president of Denyo, and Alex Acosta, general manager of Schwager.
The general manager of Schwager, Alex Acosta, stressed that “this agreement is good news for the mining industry in Chile and Peru, because it will provide these countries with cutting-edge, sustainable and greater efficiency technology. With this alliance we want to make the most modern equipment for autonomous electrical generation, autonomous lighting and welding processes available to many.”
Likewise, the executive added that "the alliance with this company is due to the fact that they are pioneers in the manufacture of autogenous energy sources and their generators are recognized for their reliability and versatility, in addition to a design that facilitates their mobility and handling in different environments. Denyo products are the most efficient on the market, they are more compact and quieter, making them more environmentally responsible.”