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Mexican food union forces Pepsico to carry out authentic contract reviews
Thursday, June 27, 2024 - 17:15
Fuente: El Economista

The general secretary of SNAC declared that after thirteen hours of negotiations, the average increase in workers' income year-over-year was 13.5%, a result well above the averages of contractual reviews for 2024.

It took two years for genuine collective bargaining to take place at Pepsico, giving workers the freedom to choose not only their union representation, but to demand significant increases for the benefit of the workers.

This was announced by Alejandro Martínez, general secretary of the National Food and Trade Union of Mexico (SNAC) after concluding reviews of the collective contracts of the CEDIS of Poza Rica, Tuxpan, Orizaba, Tulancingo and Valle de Bravo (Sabritas) in a manner simultaneous under the current labor regulations of Mexico and the T-MEC, including the presence of delegates and commissioners elected by the workers.

In an interview, he told El Economista that after thirteen hours of negotiations, the average increase in workers' income year-over-year was 13.5%, a result well above the averages of contractual reviews for 2024.

"This agreement not only means an economic benefit and benefits for workers, but also represents significant progress in the resolution of the labor dispute with PepsiCo, where violations of free union representation had been reported almost two years ago," explained the leader.

The union leader, who has drawn union recounts (votes) against the large centers such as the CTM and the CROC, stated that these negotiations are of great relevance “because the company has already agreed to review the 5 contracts and that will be its first contract valid until April, because we also achieved a retroactive effect of 3 months.”

The Secretary General of SNAC said that "this achievement is a clear example of what can be achieved when workers unite, organize and raise their voices for their rights. We thank the PepsiCo workers for their trust and support for the SNAC, as well as the company and the government for respecting the agreements and regulations in force. This is a victory for all workers in Mexico and their families.”

With more than 104 years of history and the representation of more than 25,000 families in 460 work centers throughout the Aztec country, the leader said that “the SNAC is consolidated as a fundamental pillar for workers in the food industry in Mexico. “His fight for better working conditions and the defense of union rights has inspired generations of workers and has established important precedents in the country's labor history.”

It should be noted that PepsiCo currently operates 15 plants, 276 distribution centers, 18 service mix centers and three research and development centers in Monterrey, Toluca and Mexico City.

According to Statista , during 2021 PepsiCo recorded US$4.58 billion in net income in Mexico.

Finally, Alejandro Martínez highlighted that “it is a historic moment for SNAC, for PepsiCo workers and for the Mexican labor movement in general. A triumph that shows that the fight for labor justice and collective well-being is possible and necessary.”


El Economista