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YPFB: emergency plan for diesel would generate an autonomy of 25 days for Bolivia
Friday, July 26, 2024 - 18:00
crédito foto la razón Bolivia

It is expected that this weekend the port of Arica can be opened so that four ships can unload fuel and enter the country.

The state-owned Yacimientos Petrolófilos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) anticipates that the entry of fuel into the country through the port of Arica, Chile, and through the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway will generate a supply autonomy of up to 25 days.

The president advisor of YPFB, Moisés Mercado, indicated that the state oil company is carrying out work to guarantee the supply of fuels, mainly diesel, which was reduced by up to 25% due to weather problems in Arica and the low draft of the waterway. that once these problems are solved, the fuel will enter.

“There are four vessels, two for diesel, one for crude oil and another for gasoline, that is entered through one of the borders, which is the west. We have other contracts that are going to be executed in the south and east and we are talking about having an autonomy of approximately 20 to 25 days,” the spokesperson indicated.

In the case of the port of Arica, the high swell, which exceeds one and a half meters, prevents four ships from docking with diesel (more than 80 million liters), gasoline (more than 22 million liters) and crude oil (more than 44 million liters), according to YPFB.

It is expected that this weekend the port of Arica will be enabled so that ships can unload the diesel and it can enter the country in order to supply the fuel to the demanding sectors, such as transporters, farmers, among others.

He also reiterated that this week there were problems on the side of the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway, which reduced the draft and prevented barges from entering Bolivian ports.

Added to this is that on the international bridge of Yacuiba (Tarija), on the border with Argentina, there has been a blockade by social sectors for three days that prevents the entry of more than 140 tankers with fuel, Mercado indicated.

“There is a blockade in Yacuiba, we have about 140 tankers with diesel and gasoline detained for a political issue, it is a health item issue that is the responsibility of the municipality of Yacuiba,” he explained.



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