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Chilean exporting companies grow 4.7% between January and July 2024 and reach a new record
Friday, August 9, 2024 - 12:00
Fuente: Subsecretaría de Relaciones Internacionales de Chile

This result coincides with the increase in the value of total exports, which reached US$ 57.81 billion, achieving a rise of 3.3% compared to the same period in 2023, once again recording the highest value in foreign sales for a similar period since records began.

Between January and July 2024, the number of Chilean exporting companies totaled 6,964, an increase of 4.3% compared to the same period last year and the highest record for a similar period, at least, in the last 30 years, according to the advance of the monthly trade report prepared by the Studies Directorate of the Undersecretariat of International Economic Relations (SUBREI), with data from the Central Bank and the National Customs Service.

In terms of the number of Chilean companies by sector, manufacturing led the list with 3,838 exporters, followed by the agricultural industry (1,556), services (995), the forestry industry (397), wines (365), fishing and aquaculture (311) and mining (236). At the level of trading partners, the number of companies that register exports to the countries of the Pacific Alliance (2,653) stood out, followed by Mercosur (2,290), the United States (1,959), the European Union (1,879) and China (1,029).

“Having more and more exporting companies is essential for the economic development of Chile and its regions. And, especially, for the generation of more sources of employment, since these 6,964 companies with sales abroad generate together 1.1 million direct and formal jobs,” says the Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, Claudia Sanhueza.

“Part of our challenge at SUBREI is to continue opening opportunities in the world for entrepreneurs, generating more instances of diversification in destinations and innovation in the exportable offer, which by extension will generate greater returns and well-being,” added the authority.

The growth in the number of companies coincides with the increase in the value of total exports during the period January-July 2024. Shipments of goods reached US$ 57.81 billion, showing an increase of 3.3% compared to the same period in 2023, once again recording the highest value in our foreign sales for a similar period since records began.

Mining is once again performing well, with shipments worth US$ 32,447 million, an increase of 8.8% compared to the same period in 2023. Copper concentrates are leading the sector's dynamism, totaling shipments of US$ 17,288 million, recording their highest amount for a similar period and registering an increase of 32.3% compared to the first seven months of 2023. Other subsectors that contributed positively to the mining sector were gold (+24.3%) and iron (+10.3%), offsetting the drop in lithium carbonate shipments (-42.4%).

Chilean food exports total US$ 7.442 billion in shipments, marking their highest value for a similar period. The sector's momentum is explained by the increase in shipments from the agroindustry (+1.2%), dairy products (+7%), meats (+5%) and organic foods (+27%).

While at the close of the January-July 2024 period, fresh fruit shipments begin the second half of the year marking a new record in their foreign sales, totaling operations worth US$ 5,484 million, a figure that reflects an increase of 14.9% explained by the increase in shipments of cherries, grapes, plums, peaches, apples, kiwis and lemons.

The wine sector generated foreign sales of US$924 million, up 5.4% compared to the same period in 2023, supported by the increase in the bottled wine category (+6.8%), thus offsetting the drop in bulk wine shipments (-0.87%). Thus, 82.5% of the sector's shipments corresponded to bottled wines, where blends with designation of origin and the Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Carmenère and Merlot varieties, among others, stood out.

Meanwhile, pulp shipments totaled US$1,592 million in foreign sales, showing an increase of 14.9% compared to 2023.

“The accumulated export figures for the month of July show the strength of our export sector, which has once again reached record figures in several sectors. We also highlight in a very positive way that destinations such as India, EFTA and the United Kingdom are leading the growth of our shipments, since these are precisely some of the markets where we are focusing our efforts to strengthen our trade relations,” added Undersecretary Sanhueza.


In the first seven months of 2024, Chilean exports of services amounted to US$1.6 billion, an increase of 33% compared to the same period in 2023, being the highest value for a similar period since records began.

Of the total services exported by the country in the year, 68 of them reached their own individual records, achieving their highest returns for a similar period. Among them, the provision of “hosting for websites and emails” (Cloud Centers) stands out, which remains the most exported service so far this year, with returns of US$ 234 million (+67%).

In terms of value, these are followed by “aircraft maintenance and repair” services with US$ 210 million (+52%), “technical support in computing and information technology, via the Internet” for US$ 112 million (+12%), “information technology consulting” with foreign sales of US$ 63 million (+9%) and “design and development of information technology applications” which accumulate returns of US$ 51 million (+97%).

By destination, Chilean services have been directed to 117 markets, with the United States standing out, accounting for one third of shipments (US$ 539 million), followed by Peru with an 18% share (US$ 289 million) and Colombia in third place, accounting for 7.2% of returns (US$ 114 million).

