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Mexico triples demand for AI experts in Latin America
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - 16:30
Foto Europa Press

The number of job offers in this sector grew by 95% in 2024 in this country, according to a report by the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).

The demand for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science specialists in Mexico is three times the average for job offers in all of Latin America, which continues to grow, but is advancing at a rate of between 25% and 35%. This trend marks a historical high for the country.

Specifically, the number of job offers will increase by 95% in 2024 in this country, according to the conclusions drawn from the report 'The future of work in the area of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Spain and Latin America 2024', prepared by the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).

Professionals who lead the Knowledge Observatory of this higher education institution analyzed, month by month, for a year, the job offers based on a database that has more than 100 million records from the main employment portals in several Latin American countries.

On a daily basis, they collected data published with new job offers and - using text mining and Big Data techniques - analyzed these large volumes of information to discover new trends in the labor market.

In the case of this study, the job offers published over twelve months (between November 1, 2023 and November 1, 2024) in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Guatemala, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Nicaragua and Argentina have been monitored. The total number of job offers published in that period on the main international employment portals (LinkedIn, Infojobs, Infoempleo, Indeed, etc.) was 2,824,054, of which 65,838 belong to the area of AI and Data Science.

One of the experts who led the research is Jorge Torres Jiménez, director of the School of Engineering and Technology at UNIR and vice-rector for Strategy and Academic Development at UNIR in Mexico. Among the main conclusions of his work, he highlights that AI and data science are two of the areas that are among the most sought-after profiles and with the best job opportunities in Mexico.


In this context, due to the volume of offers, Mexican companies are primarily looking for professionals who work in the field of Data Analysts. This reflects the ongoing need by companies in this country to have experts capable of interpreting data and drawing significant conclusions for various areas.

The second most in-demand profile is Business Intelligence. This trend highlights how companies are seeking not only to collect large amounts of data, but also to convert it into actionable information that can influence strategic decision-making, providing insights that drive innovation and business growth.

Thirdly, there is a search for Data Engineers. This shows that Mexican firms are investing significantly in building and managing robust and efficient data infrastructures.

When it comes to establishing the main features that characterise the job offer in the field of new technologies, the analysis of the offers shows that - in their great majority - the most sought-after specialists in this field are mainly assigned to technical areas such as information technologies, engineering and research and data analysis.

In the first case, its relevance underlines the growing demand for AI skills, which is crucial for innovation and digitalization in various industries. The high demand in key sectors for the Mexican economy, such as finance, banking services and software development, indicates the growing integration of AI in areas such as data analysis, process automation and service customization.

Another trend that is sustained at a global level is also emerging in the country. The increasingly important role of manufacturing and industrial production highlights the role of AI in optimising production and manufacturing processes. Meanwhile, the category of consulting, marketing and advertising services shows the need for AI experts to provide customised solutions and strategic advice in various industries.


In terms of job offers, there is a prevalence of offers at senior and inexperienced levels, with 48.34% and 33.79% respectively, indicating a strong focus on hiring emerging and intermediate-level talent.

Another of the highlights of the research is that the use of AI is becoming increasingly decisive in the financial sector in Mexico. It even highlights the case of Citibanamex, the National Bank of Mexico, as emblematic when it comes to implementing these disruptive tools and seeking expert profiles in these subjects. Specifically, the number of job offers that this financial institution has made in this regard exceeded 300 in 2024, only behind giants such as FullStack Labs and Microsoft at a continental level.

Last January, the World Economic Forum revealed in its study 'The Future of Jobs Report 2025' that disruption in the labour market will be equivalent to 22% of jobs by 2030, a period in which 170 million new jobs will be created and another 92 million will be displaced, resulting in a net increase of 78 million jobs.

According to the report prepared by UNIR's Knowledge Observatory, when it comes to listing the top 10 capabilities that will grow most rapidly between now and 2030, AI and Big Data appear at the top. AI is redefining business models. In fact, almost half of employers around the world plan to reorient their businesses to take advantage of the new opportunities arising from technology. It is expected that, as far as the workforce is concerned, the most common response to these changes will be to improve the capabilities of workers, as 77% of employers plan to do so, according to the report.


Europa Press