Nunca es tarde para aprender de los académicos de la que actualmente es la mejor universidad del mundo.
El Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts es mejor centro de educación a nivel mundial según el último ranking de QS. Y como no, si uno de sus grandes objetivos es desarrollar soluciones innovadoras para dar respuesta a los retos más difíciles del mundo a través de sus más de 2.980 académicos y 11.051 estudiantes.
En ese sentido, y como una forma de seguir aportando desde el mundo de la academia, Sloan School of Management, una de las escuelas de negocios de la institución, puso a disposición de todos el año pasado un programa llamado “New Thinkers” en el que diversos académicos discuten sobre alguna temática que está rondando en el mundo de los negocios.
A continuación, te dejamos las presentaciones más destacadas.
1. El profesor Evan Apfelbaum se refiere a cómo la diversidad cambia la forma en que nos comportamos y cómo esta nos hace trabajar de manera más ardua.
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
Friction matters – how diversity makes us work harder
2. John Van Maanen habla sobre el uso de la etnografía para diseñar y liderar un cultura organizacional.
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
Between the lines – using ethnography to design and lead organizational culture
3. Karen Zheng habla de la confianza y el papel que juega en la cadena de suministro global.
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
The value of trust – how what we say and what we believe affects the price of trade
4. Lotte Bailyn comparte algunos insights sobre la flexibilidad laboral y cómo conectar diversas prácticas organizacionales con la vida de las personas.
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
Putting people above the line – connecting organizational practices and people’s lives
5. El profesor y fundador del Martin Trust Center, Edward Roberts habla sobre los mitos y el impacto del emprendimiento.
The Impact of entrepreneurship
The Impact of entrepreneurship
6. El profesor adjunto del MIT, Tauhid Zaman, se refiere a cómo maximizar el alcance de cada post que se sube a Twitter.
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
Tweet Time – supercharging your tweet to maximize reach and influence
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